As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so also in KCP it is not all prayer, praise and worship 24/ 7  366 days of the year. According to the Scripture Gen. 2: And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Even our Lord and Master Jesus and His disciples had time to relax and socialize, as we can see in: Jn. 2: 1-2; And there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; And both Jesus was called and His disciples to the marriage.

At KCP we are very mindful of the fact that the spirit dwells in a healthy body, that is why we have a verity of programs designed to take care of the social and physical components of  our members. Top on the list of our socio-physical programs are social outings and picnics.

Picnics are hot favorites among our members, both adults and children look forward to every picnic with great enthusiasm and excitement. There are three slots for picnics on our church calendar. We alternate between beach and park picnic, because both sites provide very conducive environments for maximum expression for all sorts of physical activities: soccer, American football, swimming, jogging and walking, sedentary games- ludo, monopoly, chase, ayo, draught, music and dance competition, or simply basking on the  bank enjoying the salubrious ocean breeze. We also carry our portable musical sound system to liven the air with danceable music.

We go for our picnics well loaded with a verity of edibles and drinks. We do barbeque, roast maize and plantain, ice cream and lollipops, hot dog, fruit and vegetable salads, moi moi, pepper soup, and sandwiches. At our picnics every one finds his/her special menu favorite. Eating and dinning together as a family promotes the spirit of love, unity and strength. Even some members who are not regular at mid-week prayer meetings and other important church programs never want to miss our picnics. We encourage members to invite their friends and neighbors to enjoy our picnics.

Picnics also provides us with a special opportunity to do evangelism.  We always go to the beach and the park with fliers and Bible tracts and leaflets. Who knows how the Holy Spirit will use those  pieces of literature to affect a soul. We hope to be more dynamic and more aggressive in using this opportunity because picnics are very fertile grounds for evangelism since concourse of people flood beaches and parks on weekends. Picnics are very rewarding for both the body and the spirit.