GAP is one of the very distinctive signature features of KCP. It is a very dynamic and charismatic spiritual worship program that is distinctively   KCP. The program was created and designed by the Pastor in response to the experiences and testimonies of the members- how God has been blessing, protecting, providing and promoting them. In addition, the church covenanted with God, that God will honor every prayer and prophesy pronounced on the altar of the sanctuary.   In fact it has become institutionalized as our unique identity.

This program was borne out of the consistent spiritual experience and testimonies of our Pastor and worshippers. On different occasions and circumstances the church prayed for the intervention and manifestation of God, and in most cases the Lord answered, some of them with fire. Fruit of the womb, ill health, family problems, immigration problems, exam success, just to mention a few, were always brought as prayer requests. Under heavy anointing the Pastor and the congregation prayed for God’s merciful intervention, answers and solutions. More often than not, pleasant and heart-gladdening testimonies of answered prayers come pouring from members. As the saying goes the taste of the pudding is in the eating, KCP has a divine covenant with the Almighty God. GAP = God Answers Prayers was borne out of our practical spiritual experience of God, as Moses of old had his own spiritual and physical experience of Yahweh.