What It Is.
Evangelism is taking advantage of opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus with the people in the church community. It is a religious Out Reach program with the goal of accomplishing the commandment of Jesus to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. (Mk. 16: 15)
This charge has come to be referred to, in Christendom as the “Great Commission”. Evangelism in Christendom hinges on this charge. For a Bible believing Church, Evangelism is not an option but a command that all believers must heed. Indeed it is a marching order from our Lord and Savior.
The RCCG, as a ministry, has a vision and mission statements aimed at fulfilling that vision.
“To take as many people as possible to heaven” is one of the mission statements of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. This statement, not only supports and encourages evangelism but, underscores the importance.
In KCP evangelism is a ministry that involves the whole congregation. Although a 4-member evangelism ministry team was commissioned by the Pastor early in 2011, this ministry is one that involves the whole congregation and whether individually or corporately, every KCP member is encouraged to tell forth the good news.
As much as possible we go out every second Saturday of the month, in twos, to evangelize. Once in a year, usually during the season when we celebrate our Lord’s passion, we also have a church-wide program- “Go-a-Fishing”—when we all go out, also in groups of twos and threes, to exclaim the love of Jesus to a dying and hopeless world and proclaim the hope that is found in a personal, individual relationship with Jesus and Jesus alone.
Believers have been called to a life of sharing and informing. Evangelism enjoins us to share with others, the “food” we have found and also to tell the “hungry” among us, where they can find food (spiritual food—JESUS).
“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matt: 28. 19