Message from the Pastor

Pastor Chinwe Nwafor, (Ph.D)
Welcome to the Redeemed Christian Church of God, King’s Court Parish, Los Angeles, California. 2411 Marine Avenue, Gardena, CA 90249.
This is the Provincial Headquarters of The Redeemed Christian of God North America Region 2 Province 1. This Province is made up of all RCCG parishes in California. Within this province, there are four zones and each zone is made up of 7 to 9 parishes.
The King’s Court (KCP) is more than a church. It is a family house of prayer, praise and fellowship. KCP is a sanctuary where love and fellowship are in active service, where brethren experience the awesome anointing of the Most High. It is a sanctuary where God listens and answers the prayers of His children. It is a family where brethren share the burden and joy of one another in body and spirit. Holiness and heaven are our watchword, and the Bible is studied, preached and applied with fear and trembling. In KCP. The intensive study of the Word helps to inculcate and develop spiritual leadership skills for everyday living and our onward march to heaven.
Come and worship with us and experience the favor and flavor of His grace.
The experience is not a feeling, it is a blessing.